Biograph Horizon


Healthcare providers are finding ways to reshape care pathways while driving down long-term asset costs. Biograph™ Horizon PET/CT helps you offset these expenses, expands your clinical capabilities, and simplifies your operations. Biograph Horizon’s digital detectors leverage small 4 x 4-mm LSO crystal elements to deliver high-resolution images and provide true time of flight (TOF) to improve lesion detectability and anatomical detail. With AIDAN, our intelligent imaging platform for PET/CT, Biograph Horizon better supports clinical routines with an enhanced patient and user experience and a fast, reproducible workflow—letting you bring a higher standard of care to more patients.

Technical Specifications



Bore diameter

70 cm

Tunnel length

130 cm

Table capacity

227 kg (500 lb)



Generator power

55 kW

Rotation times

0.48,3 0.6, 1.0, 1.5 s

Tube voltages

80, 110, 130 kV

Iterative reconstruction


Metal artifact reduction



16, 32 (32 slice available with optional IVR (Interleaved Volume Reconstruction))



Axial field of view

16.4, 22.13 cm

Crystal size

4 x 4 x 20 mm

True time of flight

Confidence window

4.1 ns

Effective sensitivity

14.9, 26.53cps/kBq

Effective peak NEC rate

224, 3363 kcps ≤26 kBq/cc

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